Welcome to the Burwell Parish Council Website

Burwell is one of the larger and older villages in Cambridgeshire, situated on the edge of the Fens. The population today is over 8000: large enough to be interesting but small enough for people to interact. It’s a great community to live in and make friends. For more information about Burwell click Burwell Community website.

This is a website for the Parish Council and we have tried to include as much information as possible. If you feel the site is missing information which could be of benefit to the community please contact the Parish Clerk. 

Latest News

Free Home Energy Advice

Free Home Energy Advice

Published: 21 Feb 25

Get Free Home Energy Advice at Burwell Library, Thursday 27th March 2025 Read More...

Have your say East Cambs

Published: 18 Feb 25

East Cambs residents are being asked to have their say on plans to abolish district and county councils. Read More...

Burwell Parish Council July 2023


 At the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on 17th October 2023 Burwell Parish Council resolved to accept the offer, under the Section 106 Agreement for the Newmarket Road Development, to take over the area of land designated for the Sports Hub. 

 A Community Meeting was held on the 1st November 2023 to give resident the opportunity to ask question about the proposal.

Notes from the meeting  

Notes from the Taskforce Meeting held on 6th December 2023 


Climate Change Action Plan


Burwell Parish Council recognises that the world is in a state of climate emergency, and acknowledges that we must act now to reduce our carbon footprint. Many have noticed the disturbing change in recent weather patterns, causing destruction globally in the form of fires and floods, crop failure and displacement. Millions of species are under threat of extinction, and the lives and welfare of our children and grandchildren is severely compromised.

For more information go to our Climate Change Website Page