Parish Council owned Play Areas

Burwell Parish Council owns four Play Areas in the village.

Jubilee Green, Westhorpe, The Recreation Ground, and Margaret Field. 

All of the Play Areas and Equipment under goes a weekly visual check 

and an annual inspection carried out by an approved Playground Inspector. 

 Should there be any issues with a Play Area or item of equipment please contact the Parish Clerk 

and the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible. 

Recreation Ground

Recreation Ground Play Area

The Recreation Ground can be accessed by turning right at the bottom of Hythe Lane. 


Westhorpe Play Area

The Westhorpe Play Area can be accessed from Martin Road. 

Westhorpe Play Area has recently been refurbished. 

Jubilee Green

Jubilee Green Play Area

The Jubilee Green Play Area can be accessed from Parsonage Lane and also from the junction of Hall Lane with Park Road.

Margaret Field

Margaret Field Play Area

The Margaret Field Play Area can be accessed from Heath Road. 

The location of the Play Areas can be found on the map showing the Council Amenities