How do you get in touch with us about 20mph?

Feedback and Comments

We welcome your comments and feedback on the proposed 20 mph Limit in Burwell. You can contact us in person, by phone, letter or email. Forms will be available at all the consultations which you can fill out to provide your decision on which scheme is preferred.

  1. Consultation responses should be made using the forms that are available at each information session.
  2. If you are unable to attend any of the sessions, the forms and maps are also available at the Jubilee Reading Room until 1st November 2024
  3. The Parish Council will assess all the completed response forms and report on the results. Please note that other forms of response, for example by email or letter, will be read but will not be included in the summary of results.
  4. If the process moves to the next phase, which would be a formal consultation conducted by Cambridgeshire Highways, we have obtained approval to submit all completed forms to them directly.
  5. Response forms will only be accepted from Burwell residents.


How to contact us

Visit Us Jubilee Reading Rooms - Monday to Friday 10:00-12:00.

By Phone Tel: 01638 743142

Post Burwell Parish Council, Jubilee Reading Room, 99 The Causeway, Burwell, CB25 0DU

By e-mail

Communication and Feedback Guidelines

The Parish Council has recently been in receipt of abusive e-mails and social media posts. We ask that you are respectful to both Parish Council Staff and Councillors. Please give careful due consideration to your comments before submitting them.

Whilst debate and having differing views is all part of a healthy democracy, threatening, abusive or intimidating communications either in person, telephone, social media or by e-mail towards Councillors and Staff will not be tolerated, and will be reported to the police.

We define public intimidation as “words and/or behaviour intended or likely to block or deter participation in public debate, which could lead to an individual wanting to withdraw from public life”. Ref Local Government Association – “Councillors' guide to handling intimidation”.