How many collisions have there been in Burwell in recent years?

Cambridgeshire County Council collision figures are based on the Department for Transport STATS19 definitions of road traffic collisions. The relevant categories are:

Definition of slight collision: one in which at least one person is slightly injured but no person is killed or seriously injured. Slight injuries include sprains, whiplash, bruises and slight shock.

Definition of serious collision: one in which at least one person is seriously injured but nobody is killed. Serious injuries include any injury for which a person is detained in hospital as an in-patient, or sustain any of the following injuries: fractures, concussion, internal injuries, crushings, burns (excluding friction burns), severe cuts, severe general shock requiring medical treatment and injuries causing death 30 or more days after the collision.

Unfortunately, the publicly accessible collision database doesn’t indicate whether casualties occur inside or outside a vehicle. However, even with that limitation we can see that collisions in Burwell are quite common and often result in injury – sometimes serious injury. 

Slight collisions in Burwell  

3 Year Period

Number of  collisions

Number of casualties

2018 - 2020



2021 - 2023



There is an upward trend, perhaps linked to increased traffic volumes. The locations were Swaffham Rd (2), High St (2), Toyse Lane (2), Parsonage Lane (2), Reach Rd (1), Newmarket Rd (1), The Causeway (1).

There have been two serious collisions since 2018. 



Number of casualties


High St



The Causeway




Cambridgeshire Insight