Cambridgeshire Police
More information here
The Bobby Scheme
The Bobby Scheme’s aim is to reduce crime and the fear of crime, of older, vulnerable, and disabled people across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, thereby improving their quality of life, personal safety, and increasing independence. Find out more here.
The Pegasus Scheme
Do you find it hard to make yourself understood?
Register free for Pegasus - a scheme for people in Cambridgeshire who may have difficulty communicating with police because of a disability or health condition. For example, a learning difficulty, brain injury, ASD , deafness.
When you register you are asked some simple questions about yourself and how best the Police should communicate with you.
The Pegasus scheme will send you a card with a PIN number printed on it just for you.
Then, if you need the police in the future, call and say ‘Pegasus’ or ‘Peg’ and tell us your name, or your PIN. Or show your card. They will then find your details on their secure database & will know better how to communicate with you.
Read more and join here
Questions? Email: Pegasus@cambs.police.uk